The fantasy realm known as "Pride and Power: Tales of Ocellus" began with my creation of 16 original character designs. From there, I crafted origin stories for each character, intertwining their narratives to form a cohesive world. This process led to the emergence of an alternate universe, distinct yet reflective of our own. As I developed this world, cultures flourished, additional characters emerged, original musical compositions filled the air, and detailed set designs enriched the visual experience.
The content presented below offers a raw and unedited documentation of my sketchbooks, providing insight into the evolution of the Ocellus universe.
The official symbol of Ocellus is an endless circular swirl. This imagery will reoccur within the Ocellus universe through costume and set design.
Sixteen original main character designs and their 4 distinct tribes: Spiritual Advisors, Nurturers, Wise Fools, and Military.
Brainstorm of main characters' origin stories:
Map of Ocellus:
Extra characters within Ocellus:
Extra character rough sketches of aesthetic and culture:
Illustrations of the Ocellus world:
Visual research for set and lighting design: